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For more personalized reservations, or reservations at chain hotels: Meliá, Paradores, Riu, Four Seasons, Conrad, Lux, Wyndham, Marriot, Majestic, Decameron, Oberoi, Occidental, etc, etc; you can contact at WhatsApp (+57) 312 448 2842; mails: ó You can also visit us at our headquarters below. The best guaranteed service.


BOGOTÁ D.C. | Carrera 6 No 12 - 34, Oficina 204 | La Candelaria | Colombia

MEDELLÍN | Carrera 50 No 51 – 37, Oficina 304 | Palacé – La Candelaria | Colombia



RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE: Etxenike Viajes y Turismo with RNT No. 48622 and 72996 of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, is fully responsible for the products and quality of the services described in its programs, in accordance with the provisions of Law 300 of nineteen ninety six; Decree 1075/97; and the liability clause on Decree 2438/2010 and the regulations that modify, add or reform them. We are committed to complying with Law 679 of 2001 on the prevention of prostitution, pornography, sex tourism, and other forms of sexual exploitation with children and adolescents. "THE EXPLOITATION AND SEXUAL ABUSE OF MINORS IS SANCTIONED WITH PENALTIES DEPRIVING FREEDOM, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF LAW 679 OF 2001."

EVIAJES is a registered trademark of Etxenike Viajes y Turismo.